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Wellbore flow simulator (Nikolai Andrianov, GEUS)

Development of the wellbore flow simulator for a well configuration, specific for the Stenlille site, reporting/publishing, software testing.

Thermodynamic modelling (Wei Yan, DTU Chemistry)

Development of a standalone routine for thermodynamic flash calculation for the CO2-rich injected fluid, specific for the planned pilot CO2 injection test.

Geomechanical modelling (Hamid Nick, DTU Offshore)

Application of geomechanical simulators (ABAQUS and VISAGE), loosely coupled to the non-isothermal flow simulator. This will be used to conduct a systematic study to investigate the role of CO2 injection temperature, downhole in-situ horizontal stress, and the thermo-mechanical properties on well integrity, injectivity enhancement/impairment, and reservoir behavior.

Data integration (Martin Patrong Haspang, GSD):

Required software specifications, data transfer on selected Stenlille well(s), testing of the developed software. Public outreach and integrating the results in the public acceptance programme.

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